
Monday Feb 27, 2023
If it Runs on the Switch it Runs on the Vita
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
This week, Dale, LeGrande, and Jeremy go a little outside of their usual comfort zone. LeGrande gets into a mobile zombie-runner game called Into the Dead 2, sequel to the great original that may not exist. Jeremy puts the 3D headset back on to do a GameBytes Show revisit of Moss. Dale puts a little bit of time into pixelated laser swords and low-fi beats to chill to with Hyper Light Drifter. Plus, DICE Awards winners and the latest news from announcement conferences like Sony's State of Play and Pokemon Direct. Plus, various new releases, our news speed run to mop up the latest video game happenings, and more!
Intro: "The Sentients" - Hyper Light Drifter, by DisasterpeaceOutro: "Home to Me" - Moss, by Jason Graves ft Malukah
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Monday Feb 20, 2023
Weird Retro Renaissance
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
This cozy episode is a LeGrande and Jeremy duo. LeGrande hops the train in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and bemoans the old DS gimmick of stylus control, but overall life on the rails is good. We then jump tracks to spend some time in Hogwarts Legacy, learning just what kind of magic makes it work in production, combat, and game style. Jeremy takes the Game Boy bullet for us all, trying out Nintendo's newly-released Game Boy library for the Switch, and runs us through the initial offering with a brief description of each game, including the new Tetris movie tie-in game.
Plus, Microsoft discusses "cannibalizing" sales through Game Pass, we look at new releases for the week, and finish off strong with a news speed-run!
Intro: "Surface of SR-388" - Metroid 2: Return of Samus, by Kenji YamamotoOutro: "Soaring Over Hogwarts" - Hogwarts Legacy, by Chuck E Myers, Scott Rakozy, Peter Murray, Alexander Horowitz
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/

Monday Feb 06, 2023
Forward-Slash Podbean
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
In this episode, we acknowledge our new podcast digs and website, which has given us greater power, reach, and influence. Soon you, dear listener, will ride wave to prominence in our new regime here at Podbean and on all the new platforms to which we now have access!!
Ahem, on to video games. This week, Jerod leans into his anime-swordfighting side with Tales of Arise. LeGrande continues fighting big lizards and monkeys and stuff in Monster Hunter Arise. Jeremy teleports into Axiom Verge 2, but how does it hold up to his beloved original? Dale plays Mario Party for the first time ever. Weird.
Plus, new releases, news, and our ever-popular snooze speedrun!
Intro: "Flame of Hope (Battle 1)" - Tales of Arise, by Motoi SakurabaOutro: "White Sand City (feat Mayssa Karaa)" - Axiom Verge 2, by Thomas Happ
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/

Monday Jan 30, 2023
The Game Pass Playbook
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
This episode returns us to our regular format, and it's time to talk about some specific video games! LeGrande has high praise for the adaptability of Metroid Dread on the Switch. Jeremy has stellar reviews for rhythm-devil-may-cry cartoon Hi-Fi Rush. Dale labors again under the domination of Final Fantasy XI. Plus, Microsoft laments their lack of content in 2022 and pledge to improve. Valve opens a DLC-based discovery system on Steam. And, our ever-popular news speedrun!
Intro: "The Rush" - Hi-Fi Rush, by Shuichi KoboriOutro: "Dairon" - Metroid Dread, by Kenji Yamamoto
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/

Monday Jan 16, 2023
2023 Predictions!
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
In our second show of the year (that's two good ones in a row) we look back on the predictions we made for 2022, and we test our prognosticative mettle on our vision for 2023. We're not keeping score, so jump in with your own predictions, and let's run with wanton abandon into the year in games that will be 2023!
Intro: "Final Fantaxy XVI Dominance Trailer Music (reconstructed)" adapted by Diego Mitre Music
Outro: "Overture to the Unwritten" - Hogwarts Legacy, by Chuck E. Myers "Sea", J Scott Bakozy, & Peter Murray
Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/

Monday Jan 02, 2023
2022 GameByties
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
The highlight of the year, the most exciting and definitive podcast moment of video games in 2022! The GameBytes Show Awards, the GameByties, are here again! The guys do their usual round-robin countdown to the number one video game of the past year. You will be shocked and astonished and delighted! Compare notes and share with us your picks! Thanks for listening in 2022!
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/
Check out our Discord community at https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Podcast audio produced by Jeremy Lamont

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Take you Down to Noun Town
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
This week, the guys spend some time High on Life, playing games like World of Warcraft Dragon Flight, Elite Dangerous, and Mass Effect. We check in on John Carmack at Meta (spoilers: no longer at Meta), Square Enix' plans for Armored Core 6, and some possible changes to Game Pass tiers. New releases, freebies, and our news speedrun!
Intro: "Map Theme" - Mass Effect, by Jack Wall
Outro: "Main Menu" - High on Life, by Tobacco
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/
Check out our Discord community at https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Podcast audio produced by Jeremy Lamont

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Adequately Conceived, Sufficiently Different
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Imagine Arnold and Carl's muscly handshake, except it's LeGrande and Jeremy, and they're probably holding DSes and Vitas in their brawny hands. This week the duo looks at Pokemon (an old one) and Call of Duty (a new one), and Jeremy does his best to describe indie adventure game Eastward using, er, "adequate" terminology. Plus, The Game Awards nominees, freebies, and our news speed-run to keep you in the know, at least briefly.
Intro: "Main Menu" - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 DMZ mode
Outro: "Outside" - Eastward, by Joel Corelitz
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/
Check out our Discord community at https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Podcast audio produced by Jeremy Lamont

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Don’t Want None Unless It’s Got Suns Hun
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
This week, the three Two Ambiguous Amigos get onto the show to preside over the best video game happenings of the week and give some impressions of what's been on tap. The results are mixed. Dale achieves his goal to defeat Elite Dangerous, but decides to keep going. Jerod plays Pentiment, and we find out that it's not a comedy. Jeremy isn't laughing after he plays Gungrave GORE, and we'll be straight-up, he doesn't like it one bit. Plus, news, new releases, and our speedrun segment round it all off!
Intro: "The Mob Pursues the Abbott" - Pentiment, by Alkemie Early Music Ensemble
Outro: "Falling Back in the Sky" - Gungrave GORE by Yoshino Aoki & Tetsuya Shiba
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/
Check out our Discord community at https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Podcast audio produced by Jeremy Lamont

Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
It’s Pronounced Wooster
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
This week, Jeremy and LeGrande tackle the video game space with swords-and-daggers properties of yesteryear. On the eve of its content cutoff, LeGrande finally gets his menneskerettighetsorganisasjonene on with Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Jeremy revisits a childhood book series brought to life in video game form with Joe Dever's Lone Wolf. Plus, what's the latest in video game antitrust and acquisition, what's on sale and free this week, and what's in our news speed run?? Listen to learn!
Intro: "Odin's Ride" - Assassin's Creed Valhalla, by Einar Selvik
Outro: "Main Theme" - Joe Dever's Lone Wolf, by Francesco Libralon
Subscribe on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/gamebytesshow/
Check out our Discord community at https://discord.gg/ZTzKH8y
Podcast audio produced by Jeremy Lamont

Game Bytes Show
The Game Bytes Show podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by LeGrande Jolley, Jeremy Lamont, Dale Jones, and Jerod Dunn. The topic is video games - all the video games. We focus on news around the industry and video games that we've been playing which may include some oldies but goodies. We stream episodes live on YouTube every Monday night at 10:00 pm MST.