
Monday Jan 01, 2024
God of Not Giving People What They Want
Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
A sneaky surprise for the end of an old year and the beginning of the new! the GameBytes Show is back to catch up with how we've been and how video games have been. We discuss a couple of announcements from The Game Awards, including impressions on the new God of War Ragnarok DLC, "Valhalla." We each update on games we've played, our impression of Starfield and why it did not fare as well as we all expected, and we discuss at length whether video games are coming through an era where people have just gotten too much reward. Have a listen and tell us what YOU think!Intro: "Master Thyself" - God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, by Bear McCrearyOutro: "God of Hope" - God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla, by Bear McCreary
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Monday Aug 14, 2023
Am I Out of Touch? No, it is Final Fantasy 16 Who is Wrong
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
We're back to show some signs of life through the discussion of video games! This episode sees LeGrande and Jeremy discussing the better and worse features of the newest mainline Final Fantasy entry, the sixteenth of the name. Jeremy expresses some doubt in the quality of FF16, but also in his own ability to judge it. LeGrande valiantly expresses its better qualities, and we range from the "vibe" of the game, the combat system, the characters and dialog, and how it feels to play the game. Join in with your ears and help us decide whether the game is a hit, a miss, or something in between!
Intro: "Stillwind (Battle)" - Masayoshi SokenOutro: "The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" - Masayoshi Soken
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Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
In this episode, Diablo 4 gets a double feature when Dale joins us partway through and LeGrande gives him personal updates! Jerod has been playing the Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader beta. Jeremy directs long trains of dudes in Humanity on PSVR!
Plus, we recap the PlayStation State of Play event, we debate the merits of various acronyms for different kinds of nerd games, speed run news, leaked Destiny 2 guns, and more of your favorite GBS schtick!
Intro: "Ashava World Event Boss" - Diablo IV, by Ryan AmonOutro: "Leap" - Humanity, by Jemapur
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Monday May 15, 2023
Tush Warrior
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Checking in with our new semi-infrequent schedule, and we just wanted you to know that VIDEO GAMES EXIST! This week, we talk a bit about that new Tears of the Kingdom thing you may have heard of, we enjoy a bit of the new L̶e̶g̶s̶ ̶T̶u̶s̶h̶ Arms Warrior class in World of Warcraft, and we discover that Final Fantasy XI is literally the friends you made along the way. Also Jeremy pulls out Golden Axe Beast Rider on the PS3 for some reason and inflicts it on all of us.
Plus, we discuss the "situation" at Xbox, with major games failing and fading, and a the major first-time endeavor of Starfield coming out soon. We cover some new releases and speed-run news to keep you apprised of the goings-on!
Intro: "Action" Golden Axe Beast Rider, by Keith Arem, Michael Cohen, Kristian HedmanOutro: "Main Theme" - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, by Manaka Kataoka
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Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Game Decetcive
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
LeGrande and Jeremy team up for another power duo episode, and we log back into the game grid for some decetcive work. GAME decetcive work. This week, we decetc the Gameboy and its idiosyncrasies, but Metroid 2 is still pretty good. LeGrande flaunts his Overwatch 2 battle pass stats, and we spend like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to describe Everspace 2 and find out it's not that difficult after all. Jeremy decetcs Gamedec, and enjoys its Disco Elysium style, but is a bit skeptical that Warsaw is the dystopian megalith city of our future.
We flaunt our Leaked Destiny 2 Guns segment at the law. We will not be bullied. But other people will, and they show up in the news speedrun this week. Lots of good stuff in here, come and get it!
Intro: "Battle Theme" - Everspace 2Outro: "The Number 314" - Gamedec, by Marcin Przybyłowicz
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Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Super Meet Your Mario Maker
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
This week, the guys give their unbiased and unfettered opinions of the recent Super Mario movie... and keep doing it. Eventually, we get to talking about some video games, and we start by dissecting and dunking on the new hero in Overwatch 2, but generally still enjoying it. We talk about the new post-apocalyptic player-created-dungeon-raid shooter Meet Your Maker, and consider the challenge and fun of asynchronously defeating your gene-coveting foes. Finally, we continue to dig... into news, new releases, and more! Plus we hit that super-speedy Speed Run before we hit the road for now!
Intro: "Super Mario Bros Opus" - Super Mario Bros Movie, by Bryan tylerOutro: "Lifeweaver Main Menu Theme" - Overwatch 2
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Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Everybody Loves Crabs
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Jerod, LeGrande, and Jeremy hit the airwaves this week to catch up after an extended leave from some of our hosts. LeGrande finally drops some expert opinions on Diablo 4, and Jerod laments the absence of the options he wants, and everyone seems to have good things to say at this moment about Diablo Immortal. Jerod has been playing Kerbal Space Program 2, but is it the game the community wants? Also, we decide whether Dragon Age Absolution is the proper insertion point for new players to get into the lore (it isn't). Plus, Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon. Jeremy finally gets his hands on Ghostwire Tokyo, and decides whether Shinji Mikami has another hit to add to his catalog.
Finally, the guys catch you up on new releases, sales, and a bit of news, including the confounding cover of NHL '23, whether competitors for Steam Deck mean that the handheld PC-gaming market has arrived, and everything good that's in the speed run news segment!
Intro: "Wire In" - Ghostwire Tokyo, by Masatoshi YanagiOutro: "Main Menu Theme" - Tainted Grail: Fall of Avalon
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Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Just a Vehicle for Clicking on Things
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Dale and Jeremy take the show out for a spin using the buddy system, and the results are astonishing. In absence of anyone better equipped, Jeremy talks about the Diablo IV beta, and immediately undermines any legitimacy he has to do so. Dale describes his time of tabletop fellowship at Adepticon. Jeremy talks about the game he actually brought, the New Caledonia-inspired Tchia. Plus, Fortnite might introduce Web 3.0 with its Unreal Editor functionality, a gritty new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is in development, and Game Stop posts a surprising financial report.
Intro: "Ashava World Event" - Diablo IV betaOutro: "Sailing" - Tchia, by John Robert Matz
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Monday Mar 20, 2023
Unexpected Ninja Tank
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Dale and Jeremy hit the proverbial road like a motorcycle/sidecar power duo in this episode filled with robots and ninjas and action and drama. We preside over the closing of Nintendo's 3DS and Wii U eShop, consider the latest big PS5 firmware update and what it means for cross-platform play, take note of Microsoft's mobile storefront objectives, and more! New releases, freebies, our speed run news, and everything you need to keep you informed on the video game happenings of the week!
Intro: "Breaking Ground" - FF11 Seekers of Adoulin, by Naoshi MizutaOutro: "Another Day in the Lab" - Mega Man 11, by Marika Suzuki
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
Space Dwarf Racism Holds a Grain of Truth
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
This week we think we've got a show you can really dig ahahaha. Just kidding, we know it's not credible humor, but you totally bard it anyway. This week, LeGrande played some mobile stuff but notably Shovel Knight Dig. Jeremy embraces his dwarfself-loathing in Deep Rock Galactic. Dale chases his dream of being an amazing solo musician with the bard class in Final Fantasy XI. We detail the stuff announced at the Paradox Interactive Showcase, and then just back-fill most of the interesting stuff into the news speedrun, because we know you love it.
Intro: "They're Here" - Deep Rock Galactic, by Sophus Alf Agerbæk-LarsenOutro: "Thermal Vent (Secret Fountain)" - by Jake Kaufman
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Game Bytes Show
The Game Bytes Show podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by LeGrande Jolley, Jeremy Lamont, Dale Jones, and Jerod Dunn. The topic is video games - all the video games. We focus on news around the industry and video games that we've been playing which may include some oldies but goodies. We stream episodes live on YouTube every Monday night at 10:00 pm MST.